Should my husband and I fully merge finances?

This may seem like a silly question for some. Just curious how others handle it.

We just got married this last September. Due to family arrangement and our living situation at that time we didn’t actually move into our own place that was both ours until shortly after getting married. We’re coming up on being together 4 years soon though.

We had always kept our finances separate. It made sense for our living arrangement at the time. But now we have a joint account we put money into for bills and groceries, etc. but we still have our own accounts for our own entertainment, retail shopping etc. I pay our health insurance through my employer, and phone bill since I work for a phone company, and he pays other bills for us.

I guess I don’t want him or I to feel bad if we splurge on our personal money to buy ourselves something, or a gift for the other, as long as the bills are paid right? We take care of our own credit cards, etc.

I just ask because some family has given me grief but it’s not as if we are a “traditional marriage”. Is it silly to keep it separate in this way?

EDIT: neither one of us has expressed this desire, just I am letting family opinions into my brain lol