Best flavorless protein?

So I'm coming up in about two years post-op. Still kept the weight off, but my eating has been kind of crappy lately, and definitely not focusing on nutrient goals like I should. Specifically, I need to up my protein intake again. Problem is: I'm running out of things I like. I've been repulsed by protein shakes since early in the post-op process especially.

Which leads me to my question: do folks have recommendations for a good flavorless protein powder? I've tried Unjury and a few others, and I don't know if it's just mental thing for me but I feel like it still changes the taste of my drinks, and it's also a pain in the as to mix it - way too many clumps.

So I guess taste (or lack thereof) and ability to mix well are the key things for me if anyone has suggestions. Thanks!

EDIT: If anyone has flavored protein suggestions that aren't chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla, that could work too!