Gap year after Uni

Hey everyone, I’m graduating in June and after that I have decided to take a gap year. Give myself some time to process the past 5 years and get to know myself outside of academia.

I’m having some difficulties deciding what to do - not from lack of ideas. There are so many things I want to do. I know I can’t travel the whole time, even that can be exhausting.

How planned/unstructured should I leave it? And what is best to do when.

My ideas - Language immersion course in Berlin (2-3 months) - Wwoof/organic farming (1+ months) - Long distance hiking/Pilgrimage (West highland way, saint James way, etc.) - Bartending/Barista somewhere in Alps in the winter to save up money while other options are less viable. - chilling by the beach somewhere - maybe a meditation retreat? - interailing ??

How do I start?