Fuck popular opinion. What are YOUR top 5 games?
EDIT: You know what, fuck the title. Give me top 10, or 15, or however long your list of favorites is.
EDIT 3: Thanks for the gold u/zefir_efemera !
EDIT 2: here's mine:
(I've played very few games after 2014)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution + Mankind Divided (haven't played 1)
- Devil May Cry 5, 4, remake (haven't played 1-3)
- Control
- God of War 3, 2, 1 (haven't played the new ones)
- Prototype
- Bioshock 1 + Infinite + Burial at Sea 1-2 (haven't played 2 yet)
- Death Stranding
- Witcher 3
- Assassin's Creed 4, 2 trilogy, 3 (haven't played unity and later)
- Resident Evil 4, 7 (haven't played remakes yet)
- Outlast 2
- Battlefield 3
- Tomb Raider 2013
- Prince of Persia trilogy
- Max Payne 1-2
- Crysis 3, 2
- Call of Duty MW trilogy (old), 1
- F.E.A.R. 3
- NFS Rivals, MW OG + 2012, Carbon
- Total Overdose
- GTA V, Vice City, III
- singularity
- Transformers War for Cybertron
- James Cameron's Avatar the game
- Freedom Fighters
- Plants v Zombies