my wife is looking for populated social games. i dont think it exists
so, to clarify, she's looking for games with a lot of people, chatting going on in a little text box, friendly community. like WoW used to be back in the day. she's played and enjoyed WoW but isnt that interested in going back to it. she's played (and enjoyed ) second life but it seems to be dying off. she doesn't like shooters and, the simpler the mechanics the better.
she asked me to add this: " i want a game with like, guilds and crafting and levelling up and that sort of stuff" but the social aspect is important
she'd prefer not to have to use discord or anything like that. just all contained within the game. she's tried GW2, Once human, Wayfinder, and finds them all lacking mainly for the social aspect. some of the games she's liked are (as mentioned) WoW, Second Life, Conan Exiles, Ark, 7 days to Die
some games shes NOT interested in a The First Descendant and Destiny