Cozy open world

I'm looking for an open world or a world where I get to explore. I'd like it where I can find chests or get rewards for exploring or finding things out in the world.

It can also be mmo but I'm not one that would really talk to others or join others in the game unless I feel really comfortable with my knowledge of the game, so one where I can mostly or do everything solo.

I'm fine with some combat but nothing really overly complicated.

Huge bonus if it has customizable characterization.

Games I'm playing rn that I really like that are like this are Infinity Nikki, Palia, and even some Minecraft mods.

I've tried Genshin Impact, and it was fun for a while until the combat got too complicated or more important in furthering the game and I didn't have anymore fun and was getting more frustrated playing it.

Im wondering if Skyrim would fit but I've always been scared to play it because of the combat and if it'd be to hard for me.