how it feels playing when you ignore the complaints of every season😍🥰

I don’t know if people would like to hear this, it might be a unpopular opinion but guys i feel like i have been actually having fun with this season because I’ve been avoiding all the posts that get mad specifically at the LI’s merging😭at this point why are we surprised??? we know fusebox is like this it isn’t new news💀 i’m loving Callum and idc if all other love interests in the other play throughs are the same because I’m not playing that route.

When I’m not reading the hate in this subreddit (and trust me i definitely participated in it before) I get to form my own opinions…most of us don’t like fusebox yet we keep playing the game and keep complaining😭that’s like touching a hot stove over and over again and getting mad you get burnt

When you lower your standards for these seasons, life truly gets better😍