feeling shame during sexual intimacy with my gf
hey there, I think I need some advice. I’m a straight trans man, 25 y old and I have a cis bi girlfriend. She’s a few years older than me and sometimes I think I haven’t had much experience to give her an exciting sex life. But it’s not only because of my insecurities about not having much experience, it’s also connected to the shame I feel. I haven’t had bottom surgeries yet but it’s not that I’m not able to have sex. I love to have sex with my gf but it’s always connected to shame afterwards. I think triggering stuff, like.. that’s how lesbians would have sex, and I feel like shit when I think that. I also feel weird when I try to be sexual. Like, I feel weird, not serious when I’m trying to dirty talk, because I know that she likes that. But I cannot take myself seriously and she notices stuff like that very soon and it destroys the sexual tension, what I completely understand but then I think it’s because of me and it makes me more insecure. We talked about it and she thought it might help me to open up and talk to other trans guys about these issues. Maybe you know that feeling and could give me advice. I think the biggest part is that I’m not taking myself seriously in these situations and I really want to but I don’t know how.