The RC seem scummy to me...

Four years. Four years, most of these cards were legal (save for Nadu for obvious reasons). In those four years, these cards grew in value. People saved up and bought these cards. These cards became staples.

Now this isn't a post arguing whether these cards should be staples or not, but I can't think of any more messed up timing when it comes to MTG bans. I don't think the RC could've made this any worse.

  1. The Length of Time

I'm pretty sure that no "staple" with a large meta share has "escaped" a ban for this long with no extra interactions. Problem cards are banned within a year, maybe sometimes slightly over a year but not four. Cards that get banned after being legal for so long are usually banned because of interactions that were newly introduced (see Bridge from Below dying for Hogaak's sins).

  1. Post Set

When was the last time you saw the definition of chase mythic banned within a year of the set's release? When was the last time these banned mythics were reprints specifically? LCI (mana crypt) released November last year and CM (jeweled lotus etc) was August last year. I know that the RC and WoTC are "separate" entities, but recent announcements have shown us that they have been in discussion regarding the ban for a while now. If the RC were really the people's champs, this would've come sooner rather than later after everything was sold. No announcements hinting at this prior, no time to prepare. To me, right now, they seem as scummy as WoTC. Which leads to:

  1. Allegations of insider trading & drama

All of this coming after some dumping of the cards, drama regarding a CeDH split etc. These all seem pretty suspicious. I'm pretty sure they're patting themselves on the back and giving each other high fives while the EDH community is in civil war.

I'm not sure what happens after this ban, but for certain, I don't think any ban will ever be as impactful than this within MTG. I'm not talking about the meta, but about how things will be run or be viewed from here.

EDH is MTG's biggest format, whether we like it or not (I'm primarily a modern player), it is currently the face of Magic. Having a ban this divisive, with little warning, with all of the other behind the scenes, is not a good look.