Need help

Im currently roaming the streets with no money and in need of food, a bed and a shower. I would be eternally grateful if any kind souls on here could help me out. On top of my hardship my phone got stolen at the Hauptbahnhof a few days ago.

Backstory: Hi everyone. Im writing on here because I could really use all the help I can get. I moved to Frankfurt from Canada for work a year ago because I wanted to move back to Europe. I was hired on by an Irish company to work out here. A few months into working I got injured at work, and my company sent me to do a bunch of tests. I ended up being off work for a few weeks, and as soon as the company doctor cleared me to return, the company let me go. Ive been living off my savings ever since, looking for work and slowly learning German. Unfortunately, as time went on, my savings went with it. This has now led me to be be on the streets, tired and hungry and in need of a shower. I am currently interviewing with a few companies and I believe I should be leaving as soon as I can land a new job. I am hoping someone on here can help me out. I have a paypal and am willing to accept any help I can get. I would be eternally grateful. I have all the info needed to corroborate my story.

Thank you for listening my dear Frankfurters.