Venting, FPIES and my baby is overweight.

I need to vent.

I’m feeling really crappy about myself right now. I started my period today. Plus my LO (7.5mo) isn’t sleeping (even more than usual) because he got his first cold and wants to be held all night.

Went to his pediatrician today because I suspected he has FPIES. He’s been violently sick twice after eating oatmeal, and then again last week from something else but unsure what that trigger was. His pediatrician told me he doesn’t have it because he’s gaining weight too fast (babies with FPIES typically struggle to gain weight) and completely disregarded that he has violently (think exorcist) thrown up until bile and dry heaving 3 times now exactly 3 hours after eating. Then she changed the conversation to about his weight and how I need to stop nursing him at night because his growth curve is increasing too fast. He was born 99% weight, 97% height, dropped to 72% weight after the hospital and then he’s been climbing back up over the last few months back to 97% as of today. In my mind he’s proportional. He’s 7.5mo and weights 22lb 13.4oz.

Anyways on top of this my husband is worthless at night (yes, he’s a POS, I’ve complained about him on here many times). When I called to tell him what the pediatrician said, he said he agrees I need to stop nursing at night but got all pissed when I reminded him that the pediatrician told him (my husband) to help get our son back to sleep since he is expecting me to feed him and it’s causing more upset.

Anyways I’m feeling like a terrible mom today.