Bethesda needs to talk to us today.

I, like many on the sub have been gritting my teeth thru the bugs, weight issues and lack of any meaningful endgame, but if I dont start to hear some constant updates I am going to start losing faith. This game has a great skeleton but its guts has some serious flaws and with the bad reviews and lackluster sales they better get moving on fixes to salvage the player base it has now and the hope that it has any chance of increasing it.

Here are some of the serious flaws that need to be addressed quickly for the game to have any chance at survival.

1) Push to talk needs to be in like yesterday. This game is based around random encounters and has a fan base that is eager to role play. Not having this on PC is hurting the game more than any bug, any broken system, any server stability. It makes the game play feel boring and alone once the honeymoon wears off.

2) Text chat. Servers feel dead, there is no way to actually do the economy without third party resources and servers are unable to do a "call to arms" or attempt to create a group for an event or fissure nuke. This is bad, multiplayer games need text chat, its a fundamental feature that allows for community building and if your design choice is let the player create the world, you need the single most important tool to allow us to do it.

3) There is no Endgame. After about 60 or 70 it becomes farming springs and multiple star legendary mobs. However there is not a max level area to funnel all the players to that has a constant legendary spawn rate and events that cater to the stronger players. Right now end game is essentially server hopping to farm mobs. Non fissure Nukes are boring and the mobs and difficulty of mobs is not rewarding. This is a big problem that will be come more apparent in the weeks ahead as more players reach the phase of "Now What". Its hard to get motivated to level more toons when what is at the end is not rewarding. (Watoga wants to be this but the spawn rate of legendary's and event variety is seriously lacking. )

4) No hub. I get the idea is for the world to be ours to create, but in online games you need carrots to get players places. This game desperately needs a city where players hang out, form groups, trade and craft. Its an online game, be an online game.

5) Factions lack depth. Factions, which COULD HAVE been end game, are way to quickly completed. There is no reputation system or replay carrot to keep you grinding, such a missed opportunity that has the core system in place to be end game focused.

6) The AI is really bad. Once you get strong it becomes really boring, mobs freeze in place, are slow to react or continue to try to hide behind things even tho you are hitting them in the face with a mele weapon. Cant have a game as a service if the enemies are not challenging, this needs to be addressed to promote the longevity of the game.

7)Game needs three server types: PVP, PVE (Passive enabled, with the current duel mechanic), RP.

I love this game, I've spent hours upon hours on it, and I see what it could be. If Bethesda continues to pretend that the fundamental flaws of this game and the overall unfinished feel don't exist I am going to completely lose hope they have what it takes to support a true online game. The community needs Bethesda to start communicating a game plan and address the serious flaws it has, be honest about it, and communicate its plans to address it. Otherwise the good will on this sub and elsewhere will quickly evaporate, if that happens this game is over.

EDIT - Woah this blew up.

I fully expect them to fix the bugs, their name is on this product and its a big test for Starfield multiplayer, so I have no doubt that these will be cleaned up.

But make no mistake online games are based around the end game, and this is an online game for better or for worse (its monetization model is micro transactions and this is only possible if people keep playing the game long after the main story is finished). Not having a competent end game or social features that cater to it will be the ultimate undoing and this game runs out of content very fast once you get thru the thin faction quests. If you are not here you quickly will be and it will be apparent that this is a problem, its not a single player game where you can see a different ending or result, you do a different build and have different combat gameplay. This will not feel rewarding if you dont have an outlet to use your maxed out perk build with high end armor and guns, whats the point of progressing if you have nothing that encourages replay-ability.

EDIT 2 Thanks for the silver redditor!

EDIT 3 And the Gold! Bethesda did respond please see in the comments.