Is anyone else tired of seeing this game get crapped on by everyone?
By no means do I think this is the greatest game ever made. It definitely has some issues, and it definitely is not for all Fallout fans. In many ways its a dramatic change from the prior series.
But when I browse some of the subreddits here you just see people bitching and bitching about the game, the engine, how its going to be a giant mess with hacks and all other comments. Many admit they never even played it. I wasn't that excited for this game until I played it and I really enjoyed it. I wouldn't be surprised if it averages in the 70s for a score. It has some rough edges right now.
But despite all that, there is a core of a really solid game here. I could easily see this being a fantastic game in a year with multiple QOL fixes, content drops, etc. I also think this game is going to sell like crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if its one of the top selling games. I think people underestimate how popular to the casual gamer "Fallout" + "online" will be in the same sentence.
Anyhow idk, my two cents. Was just a little annoyed today reading some comments over on r/games and wanted to vent.
EDIT: Yay, Reddit Gold! Thank you. Glad to see a lot of people agree here.