Engage DLC Character/Unit Discussion: Emblem Veronica

This is the last of the DLC Emblems, but don't worry we will be covering the DLC units. I'll wait for two days so it'll have been a full week since the DLC came out, and then we will start the discussion with Madeline, then Gregory, Zelestia, and the Twins.

"Heed our Summons, Emblem of Heroes!"

Veronica is the known as the Emblem of Heroes, or the bracelet of the Lonely Heir. Veronica is the Imperial Princess of Embla, and she uses heroes from other worlds to help her goals.. To acquire her, you have to complete her Divine Paralogue which isn't based on any chapter like the previous emblems. The paralogue can be completed at any time once unlocked, but the difficulty will scale depending on your progress in the story. The game says that it should take about 20 turns to complete.


Bond Level Mag Res Luck
1 2 1 2
2 2 2 2
4 2 2 4
7 3 2 4
9 3 3 4
12 3 3 6
14 4 3 6
16 4 4 6
19 5 4 6


Name Mt Hit Crit Wt Avoid Dodge
Bonds +1 -20 -20 -2 +20 +20

Emblem Weapons

Name Bond Level Weapon Type Mt Hit Crit Wt Range Effects
Hliðskjálf 1 Staff 13 70 0 7 1-2 If user initiates combat, foe cannot counterattack.
Fortify+ 10 Staff 10 - - - 1-7 Heals HP and status effects for all allies within a 7-space radius.
Élivágar 15 Tome 18 85 0 10 1-2 Nullifies basic stat bonuses on target for 1 turn after combat

Engage Skills

Skill Name Skill Affect Dragon Bonus Backup Bonus Mystic Bonus Covert Bonus Cavalry Bonus Flying Bonus Armor Bonus Qi Adept Bonus
Contract Use to grant another action to an adjacent ally who has already acted. (Ally cannot move.) Grants Str/Mag/Def/Res+2 to ally during action Unit participates in chain attack during ally action - Grants Hit/Avo+30 to ally during action - - - -
Summon Hero Use to summon a random unit. Summons a powerful unit Summoned unit has the “Dual Strike” skill - - Summoned unit gets Mov+1 - - -
Level Skill Name Skill Affect Skill Type SP Cost
1/18 Reprisal/+ If unit’s HP is not full, adds 30%/50% of lost HP to Atk Sync Skill 5000/6000
3 Book of Worlds Book of Worlds advances 1 stage (to max 5) for each consecutive round that unit uses Wait. Reverts to base stage if unit triggers the effect. Sync Skill 300
8 Level Boost When unit defeats a foe of a higher level, grants Lvl+1 until the end of battle. (Max +3) Sync Skill 300
13 SP Conversion Grants +20 SP for each defeated foe. Triggers even without a ring or bracelet equipped Sync Skill 300
2/7/12/14/18 Mag/Dex +1/2/3/4/5 Grants Mag +1/2/3/4/5 and Dex+1/2/3/4/5 Inheritable Skill 700/1600/4200/6000/8400
4/9/13/17/19 Knife Guard1/2/3/4/5 If foe is equipped with a Knife, unit takes 1/2/3/4/5 less damage during combat Inheritable Skill 200/400/600/800/1000

What units do you like to give Veronica?

What skills do you like to inherit from Veronica?

What are your thoughts on Veronica's Engravement?

Previous Emblem Discussions: Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Micaiah, Roy, Leif, Lucina, Lyn, Ike, Byleth, Corrin, Eirika

Previous DLC Emblem Discussions: Edelgard, Tiki, Hector, Soren, Camilla, Chrom

Previous Unit Discussions: Alear, Vander, Clanne, Framme, Alfred, Bourcheron, Etie, Celine, Louis, Chloe, Jean, Yunaka, Anna, Alcryst, Citrinne, Lapis, Diamant, Amber, Jade, Ivy, Kagetsu, Zelkov, Fogado, Bunet, Pandreo, Timerra, Merrin, Panette, Hortensia, Seadall, Rosado,Goldmary, Lindon, Saphir, Mauvier,Veyle