Engage Character/Unit Discussion: Alear (Spoilers)

Spoilers Below

Last of the base game discussions. Next time will start up with the Edelgarde DLC ring.

Alear is protagonist and player character of the Engage. They fell into a deep sleep on the floating isle of Lythos after the war against the Fell Dragon a thousand years ago. They wake suddenly as signs that the Fell Dragon may soon be resurrected appear, but it seems their long sleep has robbed them of their memories. As the child of the Divine Dragon Lumera, they possess a power only granted to the royal blood of the dragon, the power to summon Emblems. Alear is 17, and given how they are the player character and lord, they are available immediately for use.


Stats Hp Str Mag Dex Spd Def Res Luck Build Move SP
Bases(lvl 1 Dragon Child) 22 6 0 5 7 5 3 5 4 4 300
Personal Growths 60% 35% 20% 45% 50% 40% 25% 25% 5% -
Growths(As a Dragon Child) 70% 45% 20% 55% 65% 50% 35% 30% 10% -
Growths(As a Divine Dragon) 70% 45% 20% 55% 65% 55% 40% 35% 10% -

Weapon Proficiency: Swords, Arts

Personal Skill - Divinely Inspiring: Adjacent allies deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage.

Divine Dragon Class Skill - Divine Spirit: Unit’s engage meter is shortened one step.

Prf Weapons

Name Weapon Type Mt Hit Crit Wt Range Effects
Libération Sword 6 90 0 4 1 Divine Dragon only. Fills engage meter by 1 when user attacks and defeats a foe in a single turn.
Wille Glanz Sword 12 70 0 10 1-2 Divine Dragon only. A powerful sword that can strike close or at range.



Support Bonuses

C: Hit+10, Dodge+5

B: Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5

A: Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5, Dodge+5

S: Hit+10, Critical+6, Avoid+5, Dodge+5

But wait there is more! Alear is also the 13th emblem, also known as the Fire Emblem. This is revealed an unlocked after completing chapter 22.

To Sync and Engage with Emblem Alear, you must move normal Alear towards a character and select Engage+. This will make normal Alear transform into Emblem Alear, gaining the effects as if they Engaged with themselves. Also, the selected character will simultaneously Engage with Alear, without affecting their Engage gauge. The character’s support level with Alear determines their (and normal Alear’s) Bond level with Emblem Alear


Bond Level Hp Spd Def
- 5 1 1
C 7 2 1
B 10 2 2
A 15 4 4


Name Mt Hit Crit Wt Avoid Dodge
Fire -1 +20 +20 -1 +20 +20

Emblem Weapons

Name Bond Level Weapon Type Mt Hit Crit Wt Range Effects
Lyrátion Base Sword 15 90 10 10 1 If user defeats foe in player phase, fills adjacent allies’ engage meters by 1.
Dragon’s Fist B Arts 10 85 0 9 1 Magical Arts. If user initiates combat, attacks twice. (Uses Mag.)
Oligoludia A Sword 8 90 0 7 1 Effective: Corrupted

Engage Skills

Skill Name Skill Affect Dragon Bonus Backup Bonus Mystic Bonus Covert Bonus Cavalry Bonus Flying Bonus Armor Bonus Qi Adept Bonus
Attuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. Extra +1 to all stats Extra +2 to Str Extra +2 to Mag Extra +2 to Spd Extra +2 to Dex Extra +2 to Res Extra +2 to Def Extra +2 to Lck
Dragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. 20% damage Adds 20% of Str to sword attack Adds 20% of Mag to beam attack - - - - Breaks foe
Bond Blast When Emblem Alear is adjacent to Engage partner or vice versa, use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. 20% damage Adds 20% of Str to sword attack Adds 20% of Mag to beam attack - - - - Breaks foe

Inheritable Skills

Level Skill Name Skill Affect Skill Type SP Cost
Base Holy Aura Unit is Effective: Fell Dragon. Allies within 2 spaces with Effective: Dragon gain Effective: Fell Dragon. [Might multiplier of 2.] Uninheritable Sync Skill -
C/A Bond Forger/+ Grants Hit/Avo+20/30 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem. Uninheritable Sync Skill -
A Holy Shield Neutralizes Effective against this unit. Uninheritable Sync Skill -
S Boon of Elyos If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to Crit and Ddg equal to 2× the number of allies who have acted this turn Uninheritable Sync Skill -

As a Unit:

What do you think of Alear's performance as a unit?

What do you think of Alear's character?

What Emblem Rings or Skills work best with Alear?

As and Emblem:

What units do you like to give Alear?

What are your thoughts on Alear's Engravement?

Previous Emblem Discussions: Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Micaiah, Roy, Leif, Lucina, Lyn, Ike, Byleth, Corrin, Eirika

Previous Unit Discussions:Vander, Clanne, Framme, Alfred, Bourcheron, Etie, Celine, Louis, Chloe, Jean, Yunaka, Anna, Alcryst, Citrinne, Lapis, Diamant, Amber, Jade, Ivy, Kagetsu, Zelkov, Fogado, Bunet, Pandreo, Timerra, Merrin, Panette, Hortensia, Seadall, Rosado,Goldmary, Lindon, Saphir, Mauvier,Veyle