College destroyed my life completely. What now?
My plan after high school was to become an electrician, i even applied for it. My parents pressured me to go to college and told me repeatedly that I'll get more advantage in job market. This was when i was 19. Now I'm almost 25, graduated nearly a year ago and still can't land a job related to my degree. I work in a dead end job and i don't like it at all.
All i do now is keep thinking about the past. What if i didn't go to college? What if I did trade school and worked all these years, and bought a place for myself. What if i did something else? I wasted my early 20s completely and i can't stand the thought of "starting over". All my friends did something else and it turned out just great. College was the biggest scam and I carry this resentment and bitterness everyday. Any ideas on how to change the mindset and "start over"?. I hate that word.
Edit: Thanks for all the responses. I'll read all the replies. I know people say i'm young and all. But the thing is if i do apprenticeship for a year or two. I'll be 26-27 when im done. And i have to save money to move out from my parent's house.