Are Final Fantasy XIV content creators doing a great job in terms of representing your opinion or view regarding the game?
It's something that came up when I recently talked to a friend on discord, because we came both to the conclusion that they don't and that they are in fact bad at it.
We came both almost to the same conclusion when we talked about it which is:
FFXIV content creators only try to represent the loudest opinion on something. They almost never try to challenge a popular opinion. None of these content creators challenge whether popular suggestions or feedback is actually good or bad. Certain feedback being popular doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for the game.
Contrarian opinions are most of the time excluded therefore the content lacks nuance and doesn't include the views of multiple parts of the playerbase.
Certain content in the game doesn't get enough coverage and then content creators are surprised later why Square Enix lets these types of content rot.
Content creators have an unhealthy relationship with Yoshi P and the developers. You can like them and still ask critical questions. It's their job to respond to negative criticism. They will survive it. Critics of the game aren't represented if you don't tell them what is wrong with the game.
Most of the content is terrible in terms of quality. Instead of making creative and well thought out content about the problems of the game it's reaction content where the content creator is half of the time confused and has constantly contradictory opinions on the state of the game.
Ragebait is another issue. Content where you constantly whine about the state of the game and call everyone that disagrees with you "positive toxic" or accuse them of virtue signaling won't help the game. In fact it will divide the community even more and just creates a situation where people who like aspects of the status quo will get shutdown the same way critics got shutdown pre Endwalker. Same still goes for the other case as well.
Unfortunately all of this is not specific to certain content creators. It seems to be a general issue. Personally I do not feel represented most of the time. I wish deep dungeons or PvP would get more coverage.
Edit: Holy shit thank you so much for the amount of replies. It's great to see so many diverse opinions on this topic.