Do you think we will ever get a Caster Tank?
I know it may sound like an oxymoron, but I’d love to see more variety within the roles. Right now, Tanks mainly revolve around a big af weapon, but I I think there’s precedent (at least within some TTRPG games) for a heavily armored caster that pulls aggro and applies defensive spells to their allies.
My first thought is an offshoot of WHM that reflects a more classic Cleric archetype; Heavy armor, mace, and tower shield. Maybe doesn’t do as much consistent damage as other tanks, but would have an OGCD that does some big nova damage. I guess the key thing would be finding a way to really differentiate it from Paladin, but even DRK and WAR at their core concept are fairly similar, so I think it’s possible.
What are some of y’all’s thoughts?