November 30th Recap

  • "last night was crazy, it's always crazy"
  • Jesse was up all night with Locket and Fran got sleep because Poetry was asleep
  • she has a shower and Jesse has Locket and her sis/sis in law has Poetry
  • more body checking
  • showing her compression shorts "I'm in a small for reference"
  • talks about new skin care she's been trying
  • shows the momcozy bra she likes
  • in her bed with both babies watching a Christmas movie
  • Jesse went to get a haircut and she said "hopefully they don't wake up and stay like little sleeping angels"
  • Jesse is home touching the babies hair and says "oh no the grunts are happening" (they're just making normal baby noises)
  • people suggested crib/ bassinet dividers and ask for brand suggestions because she can't find any, want to put them in the bassinet so the twins can still sleep together (I assume these wouldn't be sleep safe and probably why she can't find any. Just get them used to their own bassinet?)
  • "these babies are wide awake ouuu"
  • on the hunt for twin bassinets even though they already have 8 cribs/ bassinets in the house
  • "but the babies really like sleeping together. And we practice safe sleep in this house. This is a safe sleeping household, so we can't have them in the same situation unless there's a divider" (I've seen a million times her showing unsafe sleeping)
  • says we don't really need a new bassinet just a divider but couldn't find one
  • the bassinet they're looking at is $500 but looks really cheap like it's from the dollar store so it doesn't seem worth it.. "but these babies.." with a side eye
  • the cosleepers they bought for their bed don't really work because their bed touches the ground and the bassinet is supposed to slide underneath their bed so there is no benefit
  • asks for ideas for Christmas gifts for her parents, she says maybe a vacation, she feels like she's bought them everything ever the last 5-10yrs "anything they've ever needed or wanted plus 1000 I've gotten them"
  • basically showing babies entire face
  • orders food, eating in bed (she's been in bed in every snap since Jesse went for his haircut)
  • she goes crazy for Christmas, loves buying gifts and can't stop
  • says her and Jesse don't really get big gifts for each other they just go on a trip, goes crazy for birthdays tho
  • says they will be donating all the baby stuff they don't need or use
  • asks if you can take melatonin and breastfeed/ pump
  • says she would love to take a melatonin tomorrow when the night nurse is there
  • says they're gonna try taking shifts again tonight until her sister comes to take over in the morning
  • Locket didn't like being alone in his bassinet last night but Poetry was "sleeping like a lil sweet angel"
  • says they don't do the cry it out method, they're still preemie until the due date
  • ordered more food (churros)
  • says Locket eats every 30 minutes (feeding him on the bed while he's swaddled and in the blankets)
  • Jesse said in his snap "larva lou" aka Poetry has spit up a lot a lot today