Guide to Government Shutdowns
We're 5 days away from a laps in appropriations and a shutdown seems likely. I lived through the 2013 and 2018-19 shutdowns, so here's a guide for the newer Feds as to how it works. Other experienced Feds please jump in to supplement/correct.
Notification - you will report to your first regularly scheduled shift after midnight Friday. At that time, if you aren't exempt/essential and required to continue working, you'll receive a furlough notice.
Pay - the upcoming weekend (15th-16th) is a pay day and you'll get your check as usual since it's for time already worked. Even if the shutdown lasts a while, you'll also get a partial paycheck on the next pay date (29th-30th) for work done from the 9th-14th. Once the shutdown ends, you'll get bulk back pay for all time missed. If you had leave scheduled, you won't be charged leave and get paid as if you had worked.
Benefits - all benefits (health, dental/vision, life, retirement, leave accumulation) continue during a shutdown. Any premiums will be deducted in bulk from the first paycheck after the shutdown ends.
TSP - you can take loans and/or emergency withdrawals during a shutdown.