Seeing Americans support the traumatization of feds has changed me
Seriously, before this admin I was pretty friendly towards my fellow Americans. However, DOG-E's actions are just terrible. I also thought the fed government spends too much, and could be downsized, I came from the private sector and went through plenty of layoff rounds at private companies. I have NEVER seen anything this ruthless and cruel. It is RELENTLESS. This is way beyond anything ever going on in the private sector.
All Elmo has done is try to make humans as miserable as possible. Fed employees make up 3% of the budget, 97% of the spending is elsewhere, yet he is harassing, trying to traumatize, and bragging about how miserable he makes "bureaucrats". Park rangers, people trying to keep your water clean and safe to drink, people fighting wild fires, people trying to keep banks from making a Wells Fargo or 2008 2.0 situation.
These people being traumatized aren't evil, cruel people. Elmo is engaged in relentless assault and hatred on them and there is support for it? Like wtf.
I read a news article about a guy laid off who spent his life trying to do rabies vaccine programs, and a girl who worked at Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska.
These are the people Americans hate, its so sad. Meanwhile 97% of spending is occurring elsewhere and nothing is being done to stop it, because the bulk of the funding goes to private sector interests lobbying congress