New Church
So I was raised a witness, and left almost 3 years ago(DF). I am starting to attend church again because ......reasons. Anyway, I am finding the whole experience very awkward, which I expected to an extent, but I wanted to see how others have handled this or if they have similar experiences. I searched my area and found a nondenominational church that is nearby and was recommended by many others in the community. I watched some of their services online and it seems like a decent place with good people. So Sunday I decided to go with my fiancé. We arrived 5 minutes early and were warmly welcomed at the front door by a welcoming party. We grabbed our communion bread/juice and continued into the main church. We sat down and just took in the new environment and discussed among each other. There was a timer on the screen that indicated the worship would be starting soon. There is a whole band on stage, including a drummer, 2 pianists(1 was also a singer), two main singers, two backup singers, cello player, 2 guitar players, a bass guitar player, a painter, and 3 people running in the isles with cloth pieces, the best way I can describe them is interpretive dancers(kinda like they were spreading the holy spirit around the room). They sign and worship for about 45 minutes. Almost everyone is standing and raising their hands/signing along/praising on their knees, etc. My fiancé and I had resolved to just sit this first time attending as its a lot to take in. After that, the pastor gets up on stage and we do communion and he gives a 45 minute sermon. There were 2 times during the sermon when he asked "those who are moved to do so please stand", and most of the congregation stood and the first time he asked everyone to look around them and greet the person next to them/behind them. The second time he had everyone stand, he asked for those that were 30 or younger to raise their hands(luckily I am not) and he asked everyone to find the closest person that was raising their hand next to them and put a hand on them to pray over them. I heard some people speaking in tongues and most just saying "bless this person", etc. He finished his sermon and everyone started talking to each other. Noone really talked to us, but that's ok, we headed out pretty soon after.
After arriving home, I was a bit shellshocked. It is SOOO different then what I was raised with, and it was so much to take in. I am wondering if there is any other exjws out there who have experienced something similar, and any advice on how to overcome this initial awkwardness. I feel like a fish so out of water I cant even describe it. I looked at other nondenominational churches and they all seem very similar to this experience. I don't mind the experience, I am just so used to sing-prayer-sit-sing-sit-sing-prayer, that all this is very overwhelming. Any shared experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!