This new update is bad…
Here’s a couple issues with the new spring update. 1.) Voice chat. I’ve seen multiple people with this issue so it’s not just me, but you can now hear people talking across the map. This happens in no other Roblox game. Idk what the ERLC devs did, but they need to fix it because it’s annoying. It’s supposed to be proximity chat. 2.) The taser. I’ve seen other people with this issue so it’s not my PC, or mouse or game. The taser doesn’t shoot sometimes. ERLC has always been a bit difficult for the police because Roblox has bad de-sync so guns, tasers, beanbag shotgun, etc don’t register sometimes. Now with the taser being even more difficult, it adds more stress to the police team. 3.) New police intercom. The mechanic itself is not bad. It’s just the players that use it. In public lobby’s, it’s spammed a lot. They did add a cooldown in public lobby’s but it’s still annoying. And before you say “just play private servers”. Updates should not be just for private server players, have some respect for people that play public. Other than that though, I think it’s cool. Obviously not everyone has voice chat and you can’t easily see chat when moving in a car so a police intercom makes it easier for cops to pull over people, or announce things. Conclusion.) I’m not sure where the future of this game is headed, but it’s not looking good. It’s getting crazier and crazier with every update, and I don’t like the direction the game is headed to where public is gta online and the devs don’t care about it and just help out private servers.