There is hope
Just to add a disclaimer this is just my personal experience. I know ECT isn’t for everyone and I know everyone has a different experience so this is just mine.
I started ECT last February during a hospital stay. I started 3 times a week, stepping down to once a week, and then finally once every other week, finally having my last treatment in September.
ECT is not easy. It’s definitely a lot and in my opinion should only be used as a last resort. But it saved me. I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and it has not been easy for me dealing with this disease. I’m 36 and was diagnosed when I was 22. I’ve tried to kill myself 3 times and have been hospitalized 20+ (I’ve actually lost count) times over the years. In the past any year I was able to stay out of the hospital was a win for me, but those years were few and far between.
Mental illness has completely destroyed every aspect of my life. My life has been complete and constant chaos, I didn’t even know what stability looked like. But since stopping ECT I think this what stability looks like and I am absolutely in love.
Over this past weekend I was talking to my best friend. We’ve been friends since we were 11, so she’s been along for the ride. She was saying how proud of me she is and how different I am and how the person I currently am she doesn’t know if she’s ever seen. And she was asking me what I think has changed so much. I thought for a minute about all the changes in my life over the past year and what has changed and really the only thing I could think was ECT.
Because that girl I used to be I don’t even recognize her. I honestly don’t even remember who I used to be. My friend was asking me how I feel different and I told her the difference between then and now is an actually WANT to be alive. For the first time in my life, I want to be here and I want to live and experience life. I never wanted that before. Every day I didn’t kill myself was honestly a miracle. Everything I did was in preparation for me to kill myself.
But now I feel so free, so peaceful, so happy and grateful to be alive. I’ve literally never experienced this before. And I think it’s due to ECT. I’ve also made a lot of changes in my life over the past year that I believe contribute to my current happiness but I think without doing ECT those changes wouldn’t have been as effective. I am thriving. And I don’t think any of it would have been possible with ECT.
Yes, my memory is completely shredded. I’ve literally forgotten everything. I’m slowly getting those memories back but not on my own. Really the only way I remember something is if someone reminds me. Sometimes I’ll hear something a word or a song or see something random that will spark a memory in my brain. And luckily I have a big support system of people who don’t get annoyed with me when I call them to help me remember. And it’s annoying and frustrating not being able to remember. But honestly it’s a price I’m willing to pay to be where I am now.
I don’t know if I’m so different just because I don’t remember who I used to be or if ECT actually changed something in my brain. I honestly don’t know. And it hasn’t been quick or even that obvious of a change but looking at who I was before I started ECT and who I am almost a year later I am completely different. I wanted to stop ECT so many times while I was doing it just because I didn’t think it was working. It was so hard on my body and my mind definitely not a fun experience. But everyone told me to keep going so I did.
I just wanted to share this in case you’re in the position of wanting to quit or on the fence about starting. There is hope. This does actually work. It’s definitely not easy but if you’re being told it’s the best thing for you, I encourage you to keep going.