Hearing Level Drops, Pulsing in Ears

Over the last year and a half I've had an increase of, when I stand up, I get a pressure feeling between my ears and its almost like my hearing level drops, almost like someone turns down the volume in my ears by 30%. It seems to happen even a minute or two after I stand up, and It happens worse when I go outside from my house. Sometimes I think I feel a little pressure. It does seem to happen more when I look upwards.

I had something a little more just now, I went outside to look at the Space Station coming over, and when I'd look at the sky, my eyes would with me a bit, felt like i'd see extra stars, but my eyes mess with me and my glasses arent great so thats not unheard of. But I'd look up. I was also just playing a video game for 45 minutes right before I went out so my eyes were probably tired. and I'd get the pressure feelings between my ears. But the last time I looked up at the sky I also got like a throbbing sound or feeling between my ears, I heard it probably 3 times. Once I came back in, everything feels relatively normal again.