This is how I feel.. anyone else??

I posted this in the POTS subreddit and thought it would make more sense for me to post here instead. Im currently in the process of being diagnosed. Currently wearing a 48hr holter monitor and have a tilt table test on Monday. My question is, does anyone have any of the following symptoms similar to mine? This is just for my peace of mind, I am not trying to get diagnosed just want to know I’m not crazy.

• Left sided chest pain that sometimes feels like stabbing and sometimes feel like pressure like it's too full in there and need to burp? • Temp issues. I'll get too cold or too hot which in turn makes my hands get really swollen and extremely sweaty. • Terrible Gl issues (constipation) • Tinnitus • A feeling like I can't breath. Like I have to really try and take a deep breath • Feeling like something is about to happen then a sudden 3-4 sec rush goes through my body and something in my chest feels like it just dropped to my stomach • upper back pain like I have terrible posture but even when I fix my posture it won't go away - Migraines - tiny random red spots on my face - all labs are basically normal

Any of these sound familiar to you?