Origins Lu Bu final fight absolutely insane

Big fan of the series since og xbox & love Origins so far, it's what the series needed. The captions are super tiny other than that only complaint is the LUBU fight! I know he's the big scary bad of the series & in every game everytime u fight him it's damn near impossible. He makes short work of the Shu & Wei legends & they force you to a 1v1 which is cool sure.. But BRUH, I've been at this for hours. 12 meat buns, the pill that fills your health fully & the attack buff, & every weapon in arsenal and it's clear they make him severely OP but this is ridiculous... Guy has what for any other officer would be 4 hits left of his health and nothing stops him, he just runs through me at full health. Parries ain't even cutting it, my horse is tired of running, what am I missing? On wayfarer difficulty.