Mask mandates make us look out of touch

I know that I'm going to get an avalanche of posts saying "immune compromised people exist. Check your privilege, whitey," in response to this but it has to be said. Mandating masks at a DSA meeting makes us look like a bunch of insular out if touch, holier than thou, libs.

I know covid is still a thing, I know immune compromised people and disabled people exist, but come on. If you're building a working class movement you need to cater to working class people at least as much as you cater to all the Twitter randos who think wearing a mask and canceling people for saying "retard" amount to activism. They don't. And you're alienating people. Especially working class people.

You have to meet people where they are at. You have to think of political efficacy before virtue signaling (yes, mask wearing is 110% virtue signaling and ineffective unless most people are doing it that's how they work).

It boggles my mind that some DSA chapters still require masks at meetings in 2025. It makes me think 90% of socialists have never met a working class person in their entire life. Talk to a guy on a construction site or the lady bagging your groceries. Both people would think you're insane for requiring a mask at any sort of social or political event today.

We need working people people not slacktivists from reddit and Twitter, or virtue signaling language cops, or 19 year olds larping the Russian revolution.

Lefitsm is about winning over the working class so we can organize our work places, win elections and, eventually, overthrow the system that keeps us all oppressed. It's not about virtue signaling. Winning M4A because we got some deplorables on our side will help immune compromised people way, way, way more than requiring masks at the DSA meeting.

I dont care if you think I'm wrong. I know I'm a Bad Person (tm) in the eyes of our tenderest members, but sometimes you need to be pragmatic in order to win.

Sorry, not sorry.