Update since my last post, 6-Figure Month on a 1-Product Store

So I made a post about a month or so ago about starting a new store and hitting a couple k a day in revenue. Well we are back after some hiccups and still running now at closer to 7-8k a day in revenue!

A few additional learning points from the last month:

-Consolidation for my Campaigns has seemed to work, this is something that I learned over the last 24 HOURS. I had been scaling with multiple campaigns and strategies and actually hit a break even day for the first time yesterday. After consolidating my campaigns into a few CBOs, I woke up today to a 4 roas, the highest I’ve hit since 1-2K days!

-Testing new CONCEPTS is IMPORTANT!! This is something I ignored for the longest time, thinking I could just rip ads, toss them into a campaign together and hope for the best. After specifically coming up with new concepts/audiences for my ads, I’ve been able to see huge growth! For example: if your product is geared towards mental health, see if you can work in an angle of it being beneficial for kids mental health as well -> then market to parents and you have a whole new pocket of people to sell to!

-if you scale too fast and things break, don’t be afraid to start over!! I know it’s disheartening seeing a few thousand in revenue on the dashboard and after a calculation you’re break even. Don’t hesitate to take those numbers down, shut off campaigns, restructure and put your winning ads into a new campaign strategy. This literally worked for me last night, I was doing 10-15% margins at 7-8k a day revenue and was scared of starting fresh as I didn’t want to lose momentum. However after making some new campaigns and shutting off low performing ones, I’m more profitable today half way through the day than yesterday’s entire day.


So I made a post about a month or so ago about starting a new store and hitting a couple k a day in revenue. Well we are back after some hiccups and still running now at closer to 7-8k a day in revenue!

A few additional learning points from the last month:

-Consolidation for my Campaigns has seemed to work, this is something that I learned over the last 24 HOURS. I had been scaling with multiple campaigns and strategies and actually hit a break even day for the first time yesterday. After consolidating my campaigns into a few CBOs, I woke up today to a 4 roas, the highest I’ve hit since 1-2K days!

-Testing new CONCEPTS is IMPORTANT!! This is something I ignored for the longest time, thinking I could just rip ads, toss them into a campaign together and hope for the best. After specifically coming up with new concepts/audiences for my ads, I’ve been able to see huge growth! For example: if your product is geared towards mental health, see if you can work in an angle of it being beneficial for kids mental health as well -> then market to parents and you have a whole new pocket of people to sell to!

-if you scale too fast and things break, don’t be afraid to start over!! I know it’s disheartening seeing a few thousand in revenue on the dashboard and after a calculation you’re break even. Don’t hesitate to take those numbers down, shut off campaigns, restructure and put your winning ads into a new campaign strategy. This literally worked for me last night, I was doing 10-15% margins at 7-8k a day revenue and was scared of starting fresh as I didn’t want to lose momentum. However after making some new campaigns and shutting off low performing ones, I’m more profitable today half way through the day than yesterday’s entire day.
