Art is a gift we can all find solace in.
I remember being really young and finding so much joy in just drawing pictures. I was never any good in a technical sense, but just having that as a way to express how I felt was so important to me then when I needed it. I lost that, for a long time, but when I started writing in my 20's I managed to get it back in a way, and now I know that there really is nothing that's more important than art as far as just living life goes. We can all potentially feel that, it's what ultimately connects a freak like me writing this to whoever you are reading it. If you can't use words, draw pictures. If you like rhyming words together, write poems. If you can create worlds through text, write stories, or screenplays, or anything else. If you really love music, learn how to produce it, because you can. It's all right there, for all of us, all anybody really ever needs is the will and confidence to express their inner experience. It's how individuality is formed and put forward to the world for the greater good of all of us. Nothing else should matter. In a reality of such intrinsic meaninglessness, the will to create is all we actually have left beyond plain survival, and we are all capable of that higher expression as thinking people. Give yourself the courtesy of allowing yourself to write a dumb little poem without too much thought when the mood strikes, and share it with people, too. Draw a silly picture, or a dark one, as long as you give it a try. Offer yourself the chance to express what your mind has inside in ways you'd never have expected. Think Bob Ross. The world suffers a lot when people like him go. The lessons he taught carry on in that any of us can create those landscapes in our own image, no matter how twisted or placid, it stands as our own unique envisioning of the world. What else could anybody ever possibly want from their lives but to express how they really feel behind the bullshit of it all?