[Discussion] Outsmarting Our Dog and His Use of Technology

So I can't be the only one who does this...

Like many dogs, ours (and by "ours", I mean "my-wife's-and-I-get-him-when-she's-not-home") has learned what several app notifications sound like. Of course, one of those is the Ring doorbell alert tones, but another is the family locater app we all use. He knows the sound it makes when someone has either left a saved place or is close to arriving home.

Well, he often hangs out with me when my wife is out, and I enjoy having him at my feet or petting him next to me. If he hears that notification whenever she's not home, he usually pops up and goes to wait in the hallway by the door, thus ending our time together. So...to prolong the time I have with him, I sometimes mute my phone when I know she's on her way home so he doesn't know she's getting closer. That way, I get him for a few more minutes until she comes through the door.

Anyone else in a constant battle over their dog's knowledge of our technology?