Theorycrafting a Rogue build

I've got a sub-30 lowbie rogue and I've spent some time whipping together what I'd like to do with it, but I'm struggling with a few things that make me wonder if it's viable.

Here's what I'm currently doing:

  • Puncture (1pt) -> Enhanced -> Fundamental
  • Barrage (5) -> Enhanced -> Improved
  • Shadow Step (5) -> Enhanced -> Methodical
  • Dark Shroud (1) -> Enhanced
  • Shadow Imbuement (5) -> Enhanced -> Blended
  • Death Trap -> Prime -> Supreme

Currently using Precision but originally wanted to do with Close Quarters Combat (more on the change below). Running with combo points atm but will probably flip to Preparation once I unlock it.

So what I'm struggling with:

  • Clearly I can manage the cutthroat + marksman juggle for CQC, but I feel like I don't have any appreciable crowd control for the cc specific damage buff. I also feel like most of the cc available to the rogue has super short durations, except chill I guess. I feel like I'm overlooking something here... or maybe I just don't have a build here that works well with CQC after all.
  • Paragon boards. They all just seem so underwhelming when paired with this build, which fundamentally makes me wonder if the path I'm taking here isn't going to pan out... or that I'm again overlooking something. The one that gives you 25% boost to marksman/cutthroat damage is awesome, but the rest of the board seems pretty terrible?

Anyway, any thoughts are welcome, TIA!