Trying to stay connected - Will this work?

My daughter was recently diagnosed with T1D and I'm still trying to figure out how to life. She goes to school and when she's there, I want to keep an eye on her mmol/L, however, the only way I can see that is if her G7 is connected to a phone and I follow that phone's Dexcom account. So, I had an idea and wondering if this would work:

I get her an Apple watch series 9 with cellular (because she wouldn't have a phone), and set it up so her watch is connected to her G7, then I 'Follow' her Dexcom account on Dexcom Follow.

Would this work? Would I be able to see her values throughout the day while she's at school and I'm far outside of Bluetooth range? I want her to be able to see her values quickly as well, so I was thinking the watch so it's always on her and she can quickly see the values without having to find her phone, unlock it, and then look. The series 9 because that seems to be the least expensive option that will display the value as well as have cellular connection. I'd also be connected to her Dexcom device so when she's within range, I have a slightly quicker value, so I'd be doubling up when she's home.

I tried to talk to Dexcom about this, but the queue was about 30 minutes, and an agent will call me back when one becomes free. That was about 24 hours ago.