I had a culture-fit round today and not sure if I'll be getting an offer

I recently interviewed for a company and both the technical rounds went really well and the interviewer was impressed. Today I had the culture-fit round with the CEO and it was my first time appearing for such a round.

The overall round went well. One question the CEO asked was if he offers me the role in my current salary would I accept it. I said yes and that the product seems interesting and I'd love to work in a startup. Then he asked why I'm expecting 60-70% hike. I said I believe I justify the hike with my experiences and skills and think it as fair and if the hike exists I wouldn't deny it, but even if the hike doesn't exist I'd still accept the opportunity.

Then it proceeded with getting the opportunity to ask him questions. Towards the end he asked me the availability and how soon I can join and whether I've resigned and also gave me his private cell number.

Not sure what to expect at this point. Do you think I've a chance of getting an offer or if I've screwed it up? Thank you again for reading this post