I hate all of my psychiatrists

Even after 7 years of visiting therapists, psychiatrists etc, I never found a single doctor that would actually help me. There is one psychiatrist that I hate the most though. I never wanted another psychiatrist, but I had to since I was getting diagnosed and I had to talk to the local psychiatrist for more details. Now with my diagnosis, I go there for prescription for my medication, and of course that I have to talk to him first. At the very first introduction, he immediately made me uncomfortable. He wasn't watching his mouth, openly talking about my self harm addiction and asking me many questions about it. Which would be fine, only if he wouldn't start joking about it. „you never cut deep enough to get sent to the emergency hospital? So that means that you have more like cat scratches? Oh that's nothing don't worry." But that wasn't the worst he said. „are you left handed or right handed?" Since the question was so out of context I was confused and answered his question. „right handed huh...well roll up your left sleeve." And then he laughed. I was shocked and wanted to cry myself out but I was too scared to do so. That was the first time we met and had a conversation together.

A few days ago I had to get another dose for my meds and inform him that my anxiety disorder is making it difficult for me to do basic daily tasks. I needed some medication to ease it down since I had only meds for my other disorder. But when I told him about my issues with anxiety and that I'm experiencing panic attacks, he just answered by „you need to take deep breaths and that's it." After that he interrogated me about my self harm and if it's continuing, after telling him that I'm clean for some time he said „well now you can go out into strip club and go on a dance pole!" It made me feel so uncomfortable and disgusted.

Please, is this normal? How should I confront the doctor about him making me uncomfortable because I don't think he takes me seriously since I'm just a teenager. (I'm sorry for any possible grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language)