Need advice for my tough situation

I'm a 22M, working as an Amazon delivery driver for 8 months because I have depression and anxiety, this job made my mental health better lowkey because I don't have to talk to anyone and work alone, and I got to exercise my body and drive around.

But I was thinking to get a new job because something is wrong with my eyes, my eyes started feeling wrong 6 months ago, went to a concert and my eyes started to feel dry and sensitive to sunlight and car headlights, have night blindness and recently I felt like my eyes problem is getting worse and are about to go "blind", and I probably need to stop working at this job and find an indoor job.

If I go get a job indoor, I probably will have to work with people if I wanna make a fair wage, which probably will make my mental health worse and drain me, but if I keep working at my delivery driver job, I probably will make my eyes go blind.

So l either have to choose my mental health or my eyes. I have 3 different sunglasses for work, but they don't help with my eyes anymore, to some extent, sunglasses made my eyes feel worse since I have to wear them all the time at work.

I went to see 2 different ophthalmologist and 2 different optometrists, tried 3 different lubricants eyes drops and 2 different steroids eyes drops but none of them worked for me a bit.

Seriously I don't know what I can do now, all I want is not to go blind and able to pay bills.