How do men feel when patriarchy take away there chance of being vulnerable, loved and cared for?

Like we all know the gender norms that have been set because of patriarchy where a man is supposed to be stoic, strong and protector while a woman to be caring , emotional and sensitive. I feel these norms are impacting both of us genders..... We girls complain about not finding men emotionally intelligent and men complaining that girls are too emotional...... But I think what we both longed for is love, care and safe space with one another but the conditioning is so strong that we are not able to......leaving us all feeling lonely and craving for our kind of love...... It's like watching a movie where both the leads wants the same thing but somehow never express in a way the other can understand due to societal pressure and it's saddening ... I hope we overcome these labels and understand the true essence of being human which is full of love and kindness.