Delhi is really not safe for women

Today evening while coming back from gurgaon, i got stuck on the red light chhatarpur metro station and saw an incident while clarified delhi is actually not safe for women. While i was waiting for the traffic to move, i saw 2 girls on scooty next to me (looked like they were around 19-20yo college going) patiently waiting when all of a sudden 2 guys (colored in different holi color) jumped from across the divider and painted the girl sitting on the backseat in silver (pakka colour) and tried to do same with the girl driving but she was wearing helmet, all that in the pretext of holi and before anyone can react they ran back towards their third friend who was waiting for them on the bike and ran away ruining the girls face and clothes. The girls didn't knew who those guys were and just ruined their whole day.

Edit: Just came through this news