Casteism doesn’t exist, right?

Casteism doesn’t exist, right? People love to say that. “We’ve moved past all that,” they claim. “Everyone is equal now.” But the moment they found out our caste? Suddenly, we weren’t welcome anymore.

Before that, we were amazing tenants. “Such great people have come to live here,” they said. They smiled at us, treated us with respect—until they learned the truth. And just like that, everything changed. Now, they’re telling us to pack our things and leave.

I know, I know—we shouldn’t have hidden our caste. But tell me, what were we supposed to do? The second you say “lower caste,” people stop seeing you as a person. They assume you’re a beggar, a trash-picker—someone who doesn’t belong in a “good” neighborhood. That’s why we lied. Because otherwise, we never would’ve found a home in a decent place.

And it’s not like we weren’t paying rent. Every single month, ₹12,000, without fail. But none of that mattered. The moment they found out our caste, that was it.

So sure, keep saying casteism doesn’t exist. Keep pretending things have changed. But we know the truth. Because we’re the ones being kicked out of good colonies for nothing more than our caste.