Most 2020s Sounding Popular Songs
I think these popular songs sound the most "2020s". What I mean is in the future when people look back at this decade, these are the songs that are gonna feel the most 2020s. I know people will say you can't know that until the decade is finished, but in my opinion we can. We already heard a consistent sound in pop music for 5 years that separates itself from the 2010s, and the 2020s started on time in 2020 when the pandemic began. In the future, people will look back at the 2020s and always remember the pandemic first obviously because that event changed everything. So honestly we know what the decade's identity is already. The other stuff that will come after that is new will probably lean more towards 2030s culture.
Anyways here are the popular songs that sound the most 2020s in my opinion and when people look back they will think of these songs since they sound the most 2020s. It's nostalgia based retro pop / slower paced new wave. Basically nostalgia pop. There will be more that will come out later on in the decade because this sound is not gonna end before the decade ends. But this is so far the most 2020s sounding popular songs: