Desolators and Lieutenant

As many of you agree GW missed the mark with the Desolation squad. Like many of you I decided to spruce them up a little. They're a little rough in places but essentially I moved the castellan launcher to the backpack (where it can fire indirectly) and added a couple extra details to the krak launcher. I also rearranged the vengor launcher as it just looked very lopsided. Unfortunately now it looks too top heavy. I also made sure that they all had some form of helmet lens/bionic eye to assist with targeting. The exception being my primaris version of Grytt from kill team Cassius. He won't be an imperial fist however or named Grytt, it's more of a spiritual successor. I had done this previously as an assault intercessor but I just didn't feel right about it. I also now have a spare kill team Cassius I got as a gift which I could harvest for actual parts. Finally there's the Leviathan lieutenant which I've barely converted as it was already such a cool and very deathwatch-esque model. Just a headswap and additional deathwatch details. Please speculate what chapter each will be from!