I vow to never use a grenade ever again

Was playing on a no mods server, only have 30 hours in the game. Went to tisy to loot some gear and had a boat load of loot when I heard someone killing zeds also in tisy. I carefully made my way through the trees and spotted the guy, climbed up on a hill and with 40 fps and a dream managed to hit the guy with my tundra, knocking him out. However, I failed to hit the double tap before the zombies started running to me. Had to take out my ak74 to kill them, saw the guy rise and run into a hangar. I carefully walked towards it and did the stupidest thing ever: I decided to use a grenade... Took out the pin, remembered that G is the toss button and threw it at my own feet, by the time I realized what I've done the grenade already exploded and killed me. I alt f4d on the spot and just went for a walk.