When to share about your crazy ex?
I am a divorced father who's been trying to date and move on with my life. My ex and I, however, have been engaged in a multi-year custody battle. She just doesn't want to share our son and has gone to great lengths to interfere with my relationship with him. For example, she has gotten me investigated for child abuse on three separate occasion and filed two requests for restraining order. They have all been dismissed.
Even though I know am innocent of these accusations, they have been a source of insecurity for me when it comes to dating. I go on dates and when there's a relatively solid connection (3rd date or beyond), I feel like I should mention the ex. But when I do talk about the ex, things start to fizzle. It's understandable. Child abuse is an ugly thing and for me, it would be a red flag
Should I wait a little longer to share these details? Am I sharing too much? Or am I just projecting insecurity and that becomes unattractive?
Any thoughts? I hear of many people who found meaningful relationships after divorcing from a toxic marriage. How do people it? I have been on dozens of dates and like U2, I still haven't found what I'm looking for,