Trying not to prematurely attach after sex

Hi! I know there will be some Redditors that think the easy response is “just don’t have sex” or “wait.” This is not my question. I usually emotionally attach after sex quickly and want exclusivity and assume relationship status but I want to evolve into seeing sex as a simple way to enjoy bodies and pleasure.

As I’m getting older I want to break social conditioning and move into a more sex positive mindset. I’m seeing how I don’t need someone living in my house or sleeping on my bed BUT my libido is through the roof this month. It’s all I can think about. I’ve order more toys etc and it’s just not enough. I want it with a partner or multiple partner (not all at the same time, but not judging if you do).

Last month I felt like I could live the rest of my life without ever having sex again. This the roller coaster of perimenopause.

There are plenty of men that are willing to “take care of business” but how can I mentally and emotionally stay fit and healthy. I’ve done a lot of work emotionally in my life. I do have a tendency to anxiously attach if the guy checks a lot of boxes. I’m also able to see the reality of incompatibility and break it off if I see too many red flags for a relationship.

I’m just wondering if there is a way to enjoy the physical relationship of a partner without moving it into a relationship for me. If you’ve been able to do this, please let me know.

I’m so horny and old enough to not worry about slut shaming. Jeezus it’s about time I can enjoy sex (with protection of course). I want to enjoy my libido before it drops off a cliff again.

I’m meeting most partners on dating apps. Even when they say they want long term I don’t want to play the waiting game. I want to hit it sooner so I can see if I like it with them. I know it may sound backwards to many or hit a nerve but I’m seeing my beauty and physical-ness fade and I want to make the best of it and before vaginal atrophy hits.