Heartbreak this age hurts more...

Is it even possible to heal from a heartbreak? I'm hurting so much and I'm scared I won't ever find anyone suitable. I took my chances and left a dead 17 year marriage to find someone more compatible and someone I can fully feel like myself but already had a rude awakening. Got ghosted after 2 months of dating, we had become exclusive and we were making near future plans. That man had qualities my husband didn't have and I know I put him on a pedestal (I learned my lesson). I'm so scared of never finding anyone again. I have hobbies and am doing things but my heart hurts for being played but also the fear of not finding someone with the qualities I would like. I was browsing the apps and I can't stop comparing what I see to the man who ghosted me. I don't remember feeling this heartbroken before getting married. I also think the age thing weights heavily too. When you're much younger you know you have a lifetime ahead, now the fear of not finding someone is really sinking in.

People say to get the focus off relationships and you'll meet someone when you least expect. I want to believe this is true but I can't stop thinking about what I want.