
TLDR: My BF does not want to get back together after I broke things off. Should I keep trying to get back with him?

Since my breakup with my boyfriend (24M) I (26F) have been really struggling. I have been feeling very depressed and unmotivated. And crying everyday. This is really not like me. I honestly never thought I'd be in a position like this. I have dated people in the past but for a pretty short time this is the longest relationship I've had. And now I have a new empathy because I didn't realize how bad breakups can be. I miss him a lot and I'm really feel guilty for breaking things off. I have wanted to get back together but he said no. I feel truly heartbroken for the first time.

It's kind of a complicated story but the gist of it is that I was concerned about some things. On his hinge profile it showed that he did not smoke. Neither marijuana or cigarettes. When I spoke to him on our first date, he mentioned that he had previously smoked pot. I asked him if he still smoked and he said no. However, he didn't tell me until about 4 or so months in that he still vapes occasionally. He told me that he is trying to quit but that it has been a difficult habit to break. Previous to this, he told me there had been an incident when he was in high school with one of his previous girlfriends where he had been accused of something sexual in nature. It was not full assault but something coercive I believe. He said that she had made this up and that the police cleared him. I think this had raised my awareness levels a lot. So when he told me about the smoking I felt like he had lied to me and I sort of reacted out of fear and broke things off. Even though I'm not sure if was a super calculated lie on his end or not. I admit that I did do some things in the relationship poorly. When he after he told me about his leaving, I kept it inside for a few weeks and acted like everything was okay. He had volunteered to fix them in my car. He spent three whole days fixing my car. (He is a mechanic.) I chose very bad timing to bring it up right after he did all of this. Which I feel extremely guilty about. I feel extremely hurt and confused because in the relationship he really did nothing wrong to me. He was nothing but extremely kind and nice to me and never did anything to hurt me. (Except if you consider the lying about the smoking habit ). I feel like I may have broken things off with a really wonderful person for a very trivial, picky reason. I guess I expected him to be more excited when I reached out to want to get back together but he said that the decision was final.  He said he was not mad at me but he barely replies to my texts or even ignores them completely now.i know were broken up but I thought hed be more gracious with everything.