If you are under 25, you have no business on dating apps
If you are an introvert, this isn’t for you.
I just read a couple posts on the hinge sub and I can’t believe 18 yr olds are on the thing. Especially fit, attractive women.
Dating apps are for people who ran out of options to meet people. Perhaps their hobbies, school, job or friends are not yielding opportunities for networking.
You are young, vibrant and full of energy. Put it to good use outside. Join a running club and/or a volunteer program. Clean the ocean/rivers/lakes. Go to the library or a book store.
For the love of God, the apps are going to destroy your mentality on dating and you will pass on good options. Your ego will get inflated thinking you have an eternal list of prospects. You will be impressed by superficial shit and overlook good qualities.
just do yourself a favor and focus on human to human connections until you are old and out of options.