
Yesterday my in-laws were at my house and my 7yo girl was eating vanilla ice cream.

It was melting a lot. She picked the spoon up and dripped it onto her tongue.

My father-in-law said “wow, you’re going to make your future boyfriend real happy.”

She’s 7.

I was actually in another room during all this. My wife and mother-in-law both told him it was inappropriate.

He made the joke a couple more times even still. I then said it was inappropriate and left the room. He even asked my wife if I was mad (didn’t ask me).

This morning my wife is getting texts from both her parents. Her mother is pissed at him. He is saying what he meant was that her future boyfriend will be (not) happy about her table manners.

Table manners?? That has NEVER been a discussion from him. And specifically about a future boyfriend??

UPDATE. I asked my wife if there was anything further on this from her parents today. She said she texted she’s good and I’m good. I said I’m not good. She then told me that it doesn’t make sense to her he would make a perverted comment so she chooses to believe it’s about table manners. I reminded her of him repeating it, even after I said it was inappropriate. She put her head in her hands and walked off. Seems to be ignoring me. I’m the bad guy here.