Greece & Cyprus must vehemently oppose Turkey’s potential membership of any future European defence force

I’m doubtful it’ll actually come to fruition, but amidst the developments in Russia/Ukraine/US, and the intensifying calls for a European ‘alternative’ to Nato, I think both Greece & Cyprus should be ready to vocally oppose a potential Turkish inclusion in such a force.

Turkey is an imperialist state that has been prosecuting minorities within its borders since its Inception, has invaded (or offered support to countries that invaded) its neighbours, has been illegally occupying part of an Cyprus (an EU member state) for half a century, would barely classify as a liberal democracy, and that’s overlooking stuff like the rule of law, cracking down on actual opposition figures, etc.

It’s obvious that Turkey would desperately want into a European ‘Nato’ of sorts — they’ve been practically begging Europe & France for a seat at the table over the past few days.

I would hope that, at the very least, Greece & Cyprus will publicly object to that, if it comes to it.

Turkish imperialism should not go unpunished.