What's your favorite Tech Upgraded item?
One of my big favorites is adding a weapon attachment slot to the single-shot heavy pistol cyberfinger, The One Shot Special, and giving it an extended magazine. With a few cyberfingers like that, you can have a variety of ammo types to choose from without having to fumble around with what guns you're holding. It comes out cheaper than having multiple popup guns, multiple cyberarms to hold different guns, or even any of the guns that can mix-and-match their ammo types. The cyberfinger is 100eb, the upgrade is 100eb, the extended magazine is 100eb, and installing it as customized cyberware is 100eb, so it's just cheaper than anything. You can even just stick them on one of the cybergloves to avoid any humanity loss.
You can do the same thing with the Dartgun Cyberfinger if you'd rather be shooting a very heavy pistol instead of a heavy pistol, but that gets a bit more pricey. Or do them all, because as a baseline you can have 5 cyberfingers, but that can be upgraded too.
Closely behind that is probably a Hidden Holster that's been upgraded to have an additional slot, so it can store two weapons instead of one.
One of my big favorites is adding a weapon attachment slot to the single-shot heavy pistol cyberfinger, The One Shot Special, and giving it an extended magazine. With a few cyberfingers like that, you can have a variety of ammo types to choose from without having to fumble around with what guns you're holding. It comes out cheaper than having multiple popup guns, multiple cyberarms to hold different guns, or even any of the guns that can mix-and-match their ammo types. The cyberfinger is 100eb, the upgrade is 100eb, the extended magazine is 100eb, and installing it as customized cyberware is 100eb, so it's just cheaper than anything. You can even just stick them on one of the cybergloves to avoid any humanity loss.
You can do the same thing with the Dartgun Cyberfinger if you'd rather be shooting a very heavy pistol instead of a heavy pistol, but that gets a bit more pricey. Or do them all, because as a baseline you can have 5 cyberfingers, but that can be upgraded too.
Closely behind that is probably a Hidden Holster that's been upgraded to have an additional slot, so it can store two weapons instead of one.